Sunday, January 5, 2014

2013 - A Year in Review

It seems there are a lot of people out there using one 'word' to motivate them for the coming year, in place of making traditional New Years Resolutions.
I have been doing that for the last few years without even realising it! Last year (2013) I aimed for positivity in life. And looking back on the past year, which has gone crazy quick I must add, I can say that I am a far more positive person. I'm much more content with life, and it is a wonderful feeling.
2012 I aimed for productivity and I lived by the moto "Get it Done". I had a relatively productive year, finishing off various projects that had otherwise sat around waiting.

So it seems for me to have a general focus instead of a set rule or one particular goal works wonders!
This year my word is GODLINESS.

Sometimes this world saddens me. People seem to have forgotten that we have a creator who is worthy of praise and awe. I am very mindful of the fact that one can believe in their heart, yet not live a life that shows that. 
So this year my aim is to be one who shows and lives what is in my heart.

"Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. For on him God the Father has placed his seal of approval.” John 6:27

We do need food to survive, even if it does spoil! So being a food blogger part of my reflections on the year now gone means looking back at my favourite recipes.

In just a week's time it will be my husband's first veganversary, so I felt it was worth mentioning a few of his favourite meals. He has come to the end of this year saying that "it actually wasn't hard", and "the food tastes really good". So here's a few of the recipes that have made him be able to make those comments:  


There is rarely a week that goes by in our home without Red Lentil Sauce being served.
I now make a big batch so there is plenty of leftovers, as it makes a wonderful lunchbox meal too.
We now regularly serve it over pasta or baked potatoes and the only alternation to the original recipe is that we now include corn and will often use frozen spinach in place of fresh.

His favourite snack is these Anzac Cookies.
And he's even learnt how to bake them himself!!!

I was going to say he was a former garlic bread lover, but then I realised the word 'former' isn't technically correct because he STILL is - just now eating a far healthier version! 


With garlic bread mentioned, pizza also comes to mind! We regularly have family pizza night in our home accompanied by a movie.
Here's his favourite vegan pizza - a cheeseless one!

We also thoroughly enjoy a good lentil shepherds pie from time to time. 
Pie comes in many forms in our home. My personal favourite is Mexican.
Here's a few more of my favourites from the year past:

Strawberries and Cream cake
Not only because of the wonderful taste but I LOVE the pink colour! And having coconut cream is a real treat for me!

I love starting my day with a healthy chocolate treat. So when its not a chocolate smoothie, it's this hazelnut granola.


I am a tofu lover! Tofu works so well in being a 'pretending egg'.
And this recipe needs a special mention becuase it took me quite some time to make it come out just right! Now that I have worked it out, its a regular and a favouite!

And my apple sponge cake needs a special mention, not only because it tastes delicious but because it made the final of a baking competition I entered! 
Thus inspiring My Great Vegan Bake Off for Vegan Mofo last September.

I hope you can reflect on 2103 in a positive way. Using your bad experiences to contribute positivity to your future and using your wonderful experiences to encourage you along life's journey.
May you all have a wonderful 2014.

Happy blogging and happy baking!


  1. I love what you posted today - the food and the comments. I too would like to "be one who shows and lives what is in my heart."

    1. Great news Charlotte :-) Good luck with that this year

  2. I hadn't realised (or had forgotten) that your husband was also vegan. That must simplify things greatly at home! Perhaps you need a cake with coconut cream to celebrate the one year anniversary ;)

    1. lol great idea! Yes it sure has made home-life much easier :-)

  3. happy new year sandy - have enjoyed following some of you your food - the lentil sauce sounds perfect to eat regularly - and congratulations to your husband for his veganversary

    1. Thanks Johanna. Best wishes for the new year for you too :-) It sure is nice to have some easy fall back meals.
