Thursday, January 16, 2014

WIAW - Triple grain breakfast

Welcome to What-I-Ate-Wednesday
It's been a while since I posted for WIAW. Life seems to be somewhat back in a regular routine now so with that comes a WIAW post. 
Wednesdays for me mean a packed lunch to take into work.
Today's Bento box style lunch:
 Green salad with bean salad and rice salad. Not more leftover from Christmas - just made again since then!!!

I have the wonderful blessing of my husband making our Wedensday evening meal.
Today was a taco plate with brown rice, red quinoa, black bean mix, veggie mix, carrot and lettuce:

I had pre-made my breakfast so that my morning routine was somewhat quicker.
And in the Summertime I definitely prefer oats to be cold instead of warm.

3 Tablespoons quinoa flakes
3 Tablespoons Rye flakes
1/4 cup oats
1/2 mango
1 passionfruit
1/2 cup water

Put all ingredients into a bowl. Cover and keep in the fridge overnight.

Question of the day:
Have you experimented with soaked oats?


  1. I love the sound of your breakfast, and your husband's cooking efforts are definitely admirable :-) I've never really been into overnight oats for breakfast, but do love making something similar up in the morning to take for a mid-afternoon work snack. Passionfruit is a great summery inclusion in your mix!

    1. I am loving overnight oats in summer time when I don't feel like warmed up ones. That said, I usually opt for a smoothie more often than not for summer breakfasts though!
      Yes I guess they would make a great arvo snack - I've never done that before but now I am definitely tempted to!!! :-)

  2. What a great day of eats! Love your Taco plate!
    Even though it's Winter here, Lil' L is still have cold overnight oats on most week days as he much prefers them to porridge. I, on the other hand, will happily eat a porridge every day, even it's scorching hot ;)

    1. Haha its amazing how something can be so different just prepared different ways! :-) We all have our favourites don't we!!!

  3. I love those Bento boxes; I just don't have a need for one. If I ever do though, I'm buying one for sure. I've never intentionally had cold oats before! Usually, I make oatmeal, then forget about it until it's cold, setting in the pot. Still eat it though, and it's good. :-)

    1. Hahaha that made me laugh - so you unintentionally have soaked oats anyway ;-)
      This box was actually a lunchbox that I already had that these containers just fitted in so I quite enjoy using my 'pretending' bento box!

  4. I didn't think I would want porridge for breakfast in summer, but I have to admit, I am really enjoying it. Once cooked I add a little more milk to cool it a little but not by much.

    No, never tried the soaked oats, what does it taste like?

    1. I think the major difference between soaked oats and porridge is just that the oats don't really break down as much or lose as much of their shape and texture.
      I was reserved at first but fell in love with them the first time I tried them. Also great for mornings when I need to leave early :-)
