Thursday, January 30, 2014

Kids Lunchbox Club - Choc Coco Sultana Slice

Who doesn't love a delicious warm chocolately cake coming out of the oven????
And with school starting back this week, what a wonderful treat to pop into a lunchbox.
Treats in our home don't come in packets and they aren't full of fat!

This one even warms the heart of those who aren't fond of fat-free baking!
Choc-Coco Sultana Slice

You'll need:
1 cup wholemeal self-raising flour
3/4 cup dessicated coconut
1/2 cup coconut sugar (or other dry sweetener of choice)
1/2 cup sultanas
1/4 cup cocoa powder
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup soymilk (or other plant milk of choice)
50 grams dark chocolate (I used Lindt 70%)

In a large mixing bowl combine the flour, coconut, sugar, cocoa powder and sultanas. Make sure the sultanas are coated well with dry mixture so they don't all sink when baked. 
Pour in the soymilk and vanilla. Stir until well combined.
Break the chocolate into little pieces and stir through the mixture.
Pour into a lined baking dish (I used 20x30cm) and bake in a preheated 200C for 20 minutes.
Slice and serve.
Or allow to cool before putting in a lunchbox!


  1. Wow! These look great! I have to admit, tho - they'd never survive long enough to make it into a lunchbox ; )

    1. haha yep they are soooo delicious when they are fresh out of the oven!

  2. Right now warm things coming out of the oven can be a mixed blessing - delicious, but hot! - but I think I'd brave the temperature for these. They look lovely :)

    1. It's worth it!
      I agree the oven sure warms the house up on these already hot days!

  3. When I was a child, I would have loved chocolate cake in my lunch! I'm going to have to look up sultanas to find out what they are. :-)

    1. You can substitute raisins and this will work out exactly the same :-)

  4. These looks so scrummy! It's such a shame that Lil' L's school has banned coconut along with nuts (I pray they don't ban seeds as well!) The local council has taken coconut off the school dinners menu for the whole county as it's considered an allergen :( Never mind, I'll just have to make these as an after school treat instead ;)

    1. WHAT?!?!?!? That is ~crazy~.
      Heck if they take everything off that's considered an allergen there wouldn't be much left that could be packed ;-)
      Weekend treat then I guess!!!!!
