Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Meatless Monday: Tofu -- Gnocchi with Basil & Broccoli

Today's Meatless Monday ingredient is Tofu.
Tofu is often an ingredient that people look upon with frowns! I have to admit that I their have been times when I'm had tofu dishes that are just not that tasty! It's important to remember that tofu will take on flavours from what it is cooked with and by itself it quite bland.
Here's a great way to use tofu and make it really tasty!

Gnocchi with Basil & Broccoli

500g gnocchi (either store bought or home-made)
1/2 head broccoli
3 cups fresh basil leaves
300g soft silken tofu
3 Tablespoons nutritional yeast
2 cloves garlic

Bring a large pot of water to the boil. Add the gnocchi and the broccoli cut into small florets.
While the gnocchi is cooking prepare the sauce. Place the basil, drained tofu, nutritional yeast & garlic in a blender or food processor and blend til smooth.
You will be able to see when the gnocchi is cooked because it will start to float. When it is cooked, drain. 
Return gnocchi and broccoli to the pot and stir the sauce through til evenly distributed. Heat for 2 minutes until warmed through.
Serve with freshly cracker black pepper.
Serves 3-4

Question of the day:
Do you enjoy eating tofu? 
If so, what is your favourite flavour to combine with it?


  1. I enjoy eating tofu. For savory tofu, my favorite flavorings are probably: a) barbecue sauce, b) soy sauce and c) nutritional yeast (for a chikny flavor).

    1. Yum! Its incredibly versatile isn't it :-)

  2. Love tofu but I agree it can be bland - my worst experience was a slab of unseasoned tofu in a sandwich on a plane once (plane food has improved since then - mostly). I think your gnocchi looks delicious

    1. Oh dear, yes that does not sound appetizing at all! The last plane meal I had was delicious (and vegan) so yes it sure has come far!

  3. I so rarely have gnocchi that the idea of tofu with it is completely novel. It's a great idea!

    1. Gnocchi isn't a regular on our list either, but I remember in a past life having it with pesto so I was trying to mimic that kind of idea! :-)

  4. MMmm...gnocchi. And nooch. Yummy flavors and textures right there - yummy!!!

  5. http://www.notquitenigella.com/2014/03/19/avocado-pasta/

    I thought of you when I saw this recipe. I don't like avocado, but this dish was yum. Will certainly make it again.

    1. Yum that sure does look delicious! Thanks for thinking of me :-)
      Its amazing how food items that we aren't fond of can be transformed into things we find quite edible! ;-)

  6. I love how flavourful you've made this gnocchi dish! Look really yummy!
    We eat tofu dishes a couple of times a week. I'm being lazy at the moment and buying pre-marinated and flavoured tofus rather than making them myself. Smoked tofu is a current favourite!

    1. I sure think there is definitely a place for pre-marinated tofu at times! I like it as an occasional treat. My favourite is satay of course ;-) haha

  7. Wow, you've made this dish so easy! I do like tofu very much. I like to change things up, so it's not always in Asian food - like you've done here with Italian. It's so versatile.

    1. Thank you! Yes its nice to experiment using ingredients in different ways :-)

  8. I was worried my green foods-averse toddler would turn up his nose at these but he enjoyed them and we did too. Thanks!

    1. Wow that is fantastic news! I'm so happy about that. Isn't it wonderful when our chidlren surprise us and eat something we don't expect them too!!!!

