Monday, December 9, 2013

In My Kitchen - Red & Green

December is often a time when the kitchen, and the whole house really, gets filled with bits and pieces lying everywhere, and the colours red and green seem to be everywhere! My kitchen is just that! 

Let's start with some lovely red and green produce picked from our garden! :-)
Such a delight to finally get to pick a few pieces. 

Our lovely tomato plant is growing strong. Lots of green tomatoes, and a few red ones. I don't actually like fresh tomato, but I'm looking forward to making lots of sauces.

In my kitchen is this packet of red chips! They are a new product available at Woolies. What a great alternative to regular corn chips. We don't regularly buy corn chips and I won't regularly buy these either, however there were a nice treat. Extremely tasty, but a bit salty for my personal taste.

When we were doing some Christmas shopping I simply couldn't go past this DIY gingerbread house kit. I love to do Christmas time baking and a gingerbread house is no exception. Often the ready-made kits have dairy &/or egg in them, or if there are vegan options that are full of junk. Will be great to create a gingerbread house that has fresh wholesome ingredients and without the hassle of making a paper template to cute out pieces.

Our kitchen is slowly getting filled with napkins, tissues and various other Christmas supplies.
I've also been going through our storage area and retriving all the Christmas platters!

Also in my kitchen is some new milks. 
I prefer to make my own soymilk for use in sauces, on cereal, in smoothies etc however for my morning coffee I have always favoured store-bought milk.
I have been trying various forms of milk to see if I can find a substitute for my favourite coffee milk that has changed. 
This Pure Harvest brand pictured below is one that I tried. The big red letters grabbed my attention in the store and also for my red & green post!

Very sad that my favourite 'green milk' is no longer available in the same form it was before. Although very similar, the new 'green milk' has no added fibre. Not that I'm worried about getting enough fibre in my diet, but it does mean that this new milk is not as thick. It still taste quite nice. This was my go-to milk for my morning coffee.
The only difference in the ingredients list between the old and new is that dietary fibre.
And of all the milks I've tried I must say that I'll still be sticking with Vitasoy for my regular coffee and fall back milk when I haven't had time to make my own!

What's happening in your kitchen at this time of year? Is it filled with red & green too?

Link your kitchen up on the Fig Jam & Lime Cordial blog.


  1. We use the vitasoy milk too and I was a bit surprised to see it had changed but it seems to go down ok and you are right about the fibre. love your red and green theme. Your tomato bush looks great and I might even try those chips - they look very interesting.

    1. Yeah I def won't be switching milks just due to the lack of fibre now ;-)
      Yes I'm surprised at how well the tomato bush is going considering its in a pot!

  2. I've been noticing the new no added sugar soy milks! I have tried a different brand - vitasoy in fact - and love that they have added no sugar to their options. Your kitchen is looking very Christmassy too!

    1. It so positive to see all the different varieties of plant milks that are available now! :-)

  3. Love the summer produce.
    You don't like fresh tomatoes? My sister get canker sores from fresh tomatoes-
    but I would love to have one right now. The ones available here taste like cardboard. Red, wet, cardboard. Lol!
    Merry Christmas!

    1. hahahaa yeah I'm not sure why I love tomato products so much but not tomatoes themselves! I think its the seeds ;-)

  4. Sandy, your red & green post was fun to read and "see" -- cheerful, and informative too. Thank you!

  5. For some reason my message disappeared after writing it :( so this won't be as long as the previous one!! I really must get some of those chips and make nachos tomorrow for dinner (thanks for the idea!!). I am a few weeks away from tomatoes, to much cold weather here to set them nicely.

    1. Oh that is frustrating when that happens - thanks for re-writing!
      Hope you enjoyed the chips as a treat!
      We have had such a warm summer already - I'm loving it, but surprised how quickly the heat came!

  6. It's midwinter over here, so all the lovely fresh veggies you've got are alas way out of season! Red and green are Christmas colours, so there's still a bit of it about, particularly now all the dark green leafy veg are starting to spring up!

    1. I love seeing the bright colours of fresh veggies :-)

  7. Beautiful greens and reds in your kitchen, Sandy! I had to look twice at the chips - they look exactly like corn chips! Love all your Christmassy preparations - it's a fun time of year, isn't it? All the best to you for a happy and holy Christmas! xx

    1. Thank you Celia. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas also. I do love this time of year.
      Yes the chips are so similar to corn chips - just beans instead!

  8. G'day i LOVE your red and green kitchen Sandy, true!
    Must feel great growing your own and love your Christmas plates; thanks for this month's kitchen view!
    Viewed as part of Celia's In My Kitchen
    Cheers! Joanne

    1. Thank-you. Yes I love seeing the produce grow - its so wonderful :-)

  9. I've got glossy red kitchen units, and with the addition of some festive evergreen, holly and berries, it's looking very red & green at the moment!
    Your tomatoes look amazing! I can't believe how big they're getting! I adore fresh tomatoes with torn basil & a sprinkle of himalayan salt. Wish I could pinch one or two off you ;)

  10. I don't like fresh tomato either. There seems to be quite a band of us. Still, I grow them in my garden too! The gingerbread cutters are very popular this year. Thanks for sharing. Cheers!
