Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Cheesy Baked Cauli & Capsicum

I am totally in love with these mini capsicums that are readily available in the grocery store lately.
There's something about the mixture of the colours and their little cone shapes that I just find incredibly appealing!

Here's our families favourite way of using them lately. This makes a great side dish. 
The capsicums make little cups that hold the cheese sauce - just delicious :-)


You'll need:
250g tub of mini capsicums
1/2 head cauliflower
1/4 cup nutritional yeast 
1 Tablespoon cornflour
2 teaspoons onion flakes
1/2 teaspoon each sage, garlic powder, paprika
1/2 cup motherless milk of choice
1/4 cup water

Half the capsicums and scrape out the seeds. Place in a baking dish along with the cauliflower broken into florets. 

In a microwavable measuring jug, combine the remaining ingredients and stir with a fork until dissolved. 
Microwave for 1 minute until the mixture starts to thicken.

Pour over the vegetables.

Place in a preheated 200C oven for 40 minutes until veggies have softened and lightly browned.

The top will be crisp and underneath will be filled with oozing-gooey-cheesy sauce :-)

Question of the day:
Are mini capsicums available in your area?
Do you use them as mini scoops for anything?


  1. I've never taken much notice of mini capsicums but will look out for them - love the cheesy bake - looks delicious

    1. They make such great little scoops to contain the sauce, but otherwise regular capsicums would work too if you can't find them.

  2. Those capsicums/ peppers are so cute! I think we do have them over here but I've always tended to buy the regular size. I love the dish you've created with them. Pure comfort food in my book ♥

    1. They are just a bit cute hey!!!!!
      Thank-you. I agree, a great comfort food, especially for our very cold winter we're having this year.

