Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Filo Fillers

Confession time:
I've had this post sitting in my drafts folder since February.... waiting for me to re-do the recipes and take better pictures. However, since filo pastry is such a rare treat in our home it hasn't happened! And we have refined our diet even more in the last few months so the chances of filo making a re-appearance are now even more rare than previously!
So you'll just have to trust me when I say that even though the pictures are not the greatest, that each of these is totally delicious!!!!!

Filo Fillers - Tasty Pastry Options

There is something tremendously comforting for me about rolling up filo pastry. 
I don't really know what it is..... 
Perhaps it's having to be so tender so the pastry doesn't tear.
Perhaps it's experimenting with the many different types of fillings. 
Perhaps it's the excitement of feeling like we're having something a little bit fancy for dinner even though it's really easy to make.
Perhaps it's the fun of brushing over them knowing that their pale skin is going to come out brown and blistered when it's baked.

Perhaps it's just knowing they are a real treat....

Whatever it is, I recommend you try these fillings! 
And be sure to let me know if you find rolling filo pastry just as comforting as I do!!!

Although they reheat well, the pastry is never quite the same as when they are fresh from the oven. 

For each of these recipes I will give quantities to make 4-5 pastries depending on how generous you are with your fillings.
The instructions are the same for each filling - just different ingredients are used. 
I recommend using 2-3 sheets to roll each pastry. I find that using just one sheet will tear and/or get soggy. And no-one like a soggy bottom ;-) 

Basic Directions:

Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl. 

Place approximately a 1/2 cup of the filling onto 2-3 sheets of the filo pastry in the center and roll the pastry up, being sure to tuck the ends in to minimalise leakage. 

Place on a lined baking tray and brush with plant milk. 

Bake in a preheated 200C oven for 20 minutes until golden brown.

Tomato and Bean Filo Rolls
4 chopped fresh tomatoes
1 tin drained borlotti beans
1 teaspoon salsa spice mix

Curried Pumpkin Filo Rolls
1/4 small pumpkin - cut into cubes and cooked til tender
1 tin 4 bean mix, drained
1/2 cup corn kernels
1 zucchini, chopped and cooked
1 teaspoon curry powder

Potato and Pea Filo Triangles
2 cups mashed potato
1/2 cup frozen peas, cooked
1 teaspoon Rogan Josh spice blend

(I boil the potatoes and peas together to make life easier. I also like to wrap these ones into triangle shapes just to be different!)

(This is an example of what happens if you overlook the milk-brushing part, still delicious but the pastry ends up really dry.)

Question of the day:
Do you use filo pastry?
What are some of your favourite fillers?


  1. These look GREAT to me! Don't know what you were waiting for! : )

    1. Thank you! I'm glad they are still appealing!

  2. These look and sound amazing! I don't know why but I haven't done anything with Filo at home...I bought a vegan frozen filo once and ended up not using it and it was wasted which made me sad. I don't know why I'm so nervous about trying Filo at home LOL

    1. hehe I think anything new can be a bit nervous! It's really easy to use, I definitely recommend giving it a shot!
      You just have to use it gently as it does tear quite easily.

  3. (I just wrote this comment and it seemed to disappear when I hit publish, so sorry if you get it twice.)

    I love the look of all of these fillings! And I laughed at your decision to post this without a remake - I remember you commenting about these on my lentil puff pastry dish, which took nearly a year from original to remake ;)

    1. That has been happening to me a lot lately too when I've been commenting on blogs. I wonder if it's a blogger error or something?!?!?

      Glad I'm not the only one who gets delayed with posts!!!!

  4. You're being too hard on yourself... the pics are absolutely fine and I would happily dive into each & every one of them ♥ The only time I use filo pastry is for a spinach and 'tofu' ricotta pie that we love as an occasional treat. I'd definitely like to try more recipes x

    1. Aw thanks for your kind words :-)
      Filo is so versatile hey!! :-)

