Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Simple Green Split Pea Stew

For those nights when we need instant meals and we have the morning to prepare, I find the slow cooker is just so handy! 
This meal is so tasty and yet it's as simple as chopping and letting the slow cooker do the rest of the job for you.

Don't own a slow cooker - you can also make it over a stove top if you prefer - just bring all the ingredients to a boil and then simmer for 40 minutes.

Serves 4

1 cup green split peas - (if you have time soak overnight in 2 cups boiling water)
1 onion
2 garlic cloves
2 bay leaves
2 teaspoons dried oregano
2 teaspoons chili (optional- adjust as desired)
1 zucchini
1 carrot
1/2 large green capsicum
1 can tomatoes
1 can baby potatoes
2 cups veggie stock (either store bought or home-made

Chop all the vegetables to your desired size.
Place all ingredients in a slow cooker and leave for 6-8 hours until everything has softened.
Remove bay leaves prior to serving.

Serve with warm bread of choice.

Question of the day?
Do you enjoy using a slow cooker?


  1. I've never owned a slow cooked but I think this looks perfect - love split peas

    1. I couldn't live without mine now! Try the stove top method if you're a split pea lover :-)

  2. You have reminded me that I have some split peas that need using! I don't have a slow cooker but would still enjoy this :)

  3. Must remember this for the cooler months. Yes I do and yes I use it quite a bit.

    1. Glad to hear of another person who regularly uses their slow cooker :-)

  4. Yeah...I would totally and COULD totally eat a whole big bowl of this RIGHT NOW if it were in front of me!!! Nom Nom Nom!

    1. Yep I love BIG bowls of stew like this - so comforting (even though I know we shouldn't use food to comfort us) lol ;-)

  5. That stew looks fabulous! Even my kids would like that, I think. I definitely need to use my slow cooker more often.

  6. I sometimes think we should get a slow cooker, but we use our pressure-cooker to speed up slow-cooked dishes like this one. Split pea soup is such comfort food for me, this looks great!

    1. Oh yes the pressure cooker - that would definitely work too. I must admit I'm much more scared of my pressure cooker than my slow cooker lol ;-)

  7. Most split pea soups have ham hocks thrown in, spoiling the vegan aspect so thanks so much for sharing this recipe.

    1. I used to LOVE when my mother made pea & ham soup..... Now I just love it minus the ham ;-) Still tastes delicious - now I realise all the yummy bit came from the peas ;-)

  8. I bought a slow cooker a few months ago but I haven't used it much yet. I'd love to try a simple split pea stew like yours. It looks like great comfort food! I imagine it would be tasty too with some Indian spices thrown in and a side dish of naan bread or chapattis :)

    1. Yum - yes Indian spices would definitely work well.
      Enjoy experimenting with your slow cooker! I bought a cheap one many years ago just to see if I would use it with plans of upgrading if I did...... now I use it sooooo much and it is still going strong. Will definitely upgrade when it decides to throw the towel in! I can't imagine life without it now!

  9. I'm definitely going to try this, I love slow cooker recipes. Thank you

    1. Welcome! I love using the slow cooker too! Hope you enjoy it :-)

