Monday, October 21, 2013

Meatless Monday - Mustard

Today's Meatless Monday food is mustard.
 I was originally going to make a twist on hummus but then I tried this last week and it was sooooo much better than the hummus that I just had to share this first!
I previously shared with you an alternative to chicken nuggets that will make kids happy, now I share with you an alternative to chicken chippees! 


You'll need:
250g firm tofu
1/2 cup plant milk of choice
2 teaspoons dijon mustard
1 teaspoon sage
1 teaspoon thyme
1/2 cup breadcrumbs

Slice the tofu into long thin sticks about 4-5 cm long and about 1cm thick.
Mix the mustard into the milk until thickens and mustard is dissolved.
Combine the herbs with the breadcrumbs.
Place the tofu strips into the milk mixture, followed by the crumb mixture. 
Make sure the tofu strips are completely coated with crumbs.
Place on a lined baking tray spread apart.
Bake in a preheated 200C oven for 30 minutes.

They will come out golden brown and deliciously crunchy.

Kids will LOVE them!
(Makes 40 sticks)


  1. Kids might love them if I were willing to share! I love breaded & baked tofu, and the mustard addition sounds great!

    1. lol - good point! So pleased to hear of a fellow baked tofu lover :-)

  2. Mmmm...I haven't had tofu like this in ages and I happen to be meal planning right now. I'm adding these to the list!!

  3. we do mustardy tofu nuggets - it is ages since we had them though so thanks for reminder

    1. Welcome! I love how reading others blog posts reminds of what we enjoy cooking but haven't had in a while!

  4. These look so yummy! In the past, I've made a tofu version of fish fingers by adding nori seaweed sprinkles to the breadcrumbs. They were good, but didn't have a great amount of flavour (beyond the "seaweediness"). I love the fact that you've added mustard to yours. I can imagine that takes the flavour to a whole new level.

    1. Yes I must admit that the mustard sure adds a touch of flavour that I haven't had on other times I've made similar without it!
      I have always wanted to try a 'fishie' version of this but not sure how it would work out!

  5. Just discovered your blog when searching for reviews about veggie twister! So glad I did, really excited about this recipe!! :) thanks

    1. Love the veggie twister!!!! Glad you like my blog - thanks for the positive feedback.
      Happy cooking :-)
