
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Quick baked apples

Everyone loves dessert!!! However, sometimes I don't have the time to make it during the day & on those days I love a quick dessert. Here's a child-hood favourite, turned quick, instead of having to wait an hour it to cook!


Core apples and cut several slits into the skin about 5mm deep around the entire apple. Place in an oven & microwave safe dish.
Microwave on high for 3 minutes.
Fill with raisins and cinnamon then drizzle a generous amount of maple syrup into the core hole.
Bake for 10 minutes in a preheated 200C oven.
Serve in a bowl and use the sauce that has spread in the baking dish to drizzle over the top of the apples.

After microwaving they will be soft on the inside but the oven time just give them enough crisp so they aren't soggy! The texture will be slightly more chewy than apples that are completely cooked in the oven, but equally as delicious.


  1. This brings back childhood memories, I used to adore baked apples! Love how you sped up the process using your microwave and oven, that's how I usually make baked potatoes.

    1. Great minds think alike!
      As much as I love these food items baked for a long time, I often need dinner on that table in half an hour.

  2. I haven't had a baked apple since I was a kid! My mum used to make them as a treat in Autumn/Fall. I've got an apple tree that's covered in little apples at the moment :) As soon as they're ready I'll definitely have a try at baking them. Love your 'quick recipe'!

    1. Can't wait to see your apple recipes when your fruit has ripened!

  3. I grew up on an orchard and during winter we had apple cooked every possible way but this was one of our favourite, usually eaten with custard and ice-cream. Yum. But this was before maple syrup was popular so mum did it with golden syrup.

    1. Golden syrup would be yummy too!
      I love custard and apple together - they are such a great flavour combination :-)
