
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

In My Kitchen - September (Bake-Off Month!)

Considering that I'm doing a month of baking, I had no trouble coming up with photo ideas for this month's In My Kitchen!
You'll be seeing a collection of items that I find handy to keep on hand when baking.

All bakers need supplies. One of these days I'm going to remove the "plain flour" sticker and replace it with one that says "SR WM Flour" as our home never uses white flour anymore.
This shelf's not quite as well organised as my dried fruit & nut shelf that is arranged alphabetically - but that's because I like to keep the products that are similar together.

I love these cork mats that are available from Ikea. They are great to use when removing baked goods from the oven, which I don't want to put directly onto our kitchen bench.

Mixing bowls. A must! 
I enjoy using these glass ones as I can see when everything is mixed together well.
Pink and purple kitchen utensils are far more enjoyable to cook with than black or wooden ones you know ;-)
I would add to the photo measuring cups - but you've already seen all the ones I own!

I mix most of my baked goods by hand, but occasionally I like to use our electric mixer. This mini one that I picked up cheap has lasted nearly 10 years so far! Sure, it doesn't work as well as the big mixers on a stand, and yes sometimes it's a little hard to add other ingredients whilst holding the mixer, but for the small amount of space it takes up and the price saving, I'm definitely not complaining!!!
These scales from Tupperware are fantastic. I love the ability to reset the weighed ingredients back to zero in order to add further ingredients (handy for brain-blur moments). It also has a great conversion chart on the front - however I don't believe that the scales currently available from Tupperware do.
And of course, we all need a kitchen timer :-)

I like to use silicone bake-ware as I find that most of our baked items then don't need to use oil-spray. They are also wonderfully easy to clean.

A cookbook stand. I would be lost without this in my kitchen!
Although I probably only cook from a cookbook about once a month, I love using this stand when I do!
It keeps the book open and clear of splashes and other cooking marks.

What kitchen items do you use when you bake?

Link your kitchen up on the Fig jam and lime cordial blog.


  1. love this peek into your baking stuff in the kitchen - my flours and sugars and grains are so much messier - they keep changing so labels get out of date - I noticed one was for something with a useby date for 2005 the other day.

    I too have pyrex mixing bowls and a stand that I love - but I have some old metal baking trays that are invaluable and I am trying to use my oven thermometer more

    1. An oven thermometer - now that sounds handy! I often wonder if 'ovens' really keep their temperature!

      hehehe 2005 - we all struggle with cupboard stash sometimes hey! ;-)

  2. My kitchen scales aren't as fancy as your Tupperware one but it does have a reset function which I love so I don't have to keep track of measuring things. Now I want some glass mixing bowls - great point about being able to see if the ingredients are mixed together properly! I get by with some old hand beaters too!

    1. Yay I'm glad I'm not the only 'kitchen' without a fancy mixer - though I do dream of getting one one-day! ;-)
      Yep baking is meant to be relaxing - no maths needed!

  3. I could really do with a cookbook stand. At the moment, I use my blender to prop the book open on the right page. I'll have to see if Santa can bring me one this year ;)

    1. OH yes I definitely hope that Santa reads your wishlist - they are so handy!!!

  4. Sandy, my humble apologies, I haven't been online and I missed adding your IMK post to the list before now. I'll keep it on next month's listing for you until you do your October post, so everyone gets a chance to see it. I'm very sorry again! And I love those ikea cork mats - I'm going to look out for them next time! Celia x

    1. No worries at all Celia, I know we all need time offline sometimes! :-)
      Appreciate you adding this one to October's list
      Hope you can find the mats - they're so handy :-)

  5. Hi Sandy, I LOVE your pink and purple spatulas - my favourite colours!

  6. Hi- thanks for posting and sharing!
    I love the cork mats, too- currently I used folded dish towels which works, kind of?!
    I've never seen the tupperware scales but think they would be a very welcome addition to any kitchen!

    1. haha well if they work then that's better than nothing ;-)
      at least you'd have nice colours then too!!!!!!

  7. G'day Sandy! Love your scales and oven thermometer, true!
    A recipe stand is so handy so sauce does not slop on a cookbook too!
    Cheers! Joanne
    Viewed as part of IMK

    1. Thanks for checking out my kitchen Joanne :-)
      you sound as passionate as me about using a covered cookbook stand lol

  8. Sandy, I love your colorful (and organized) collection of kitchen basics. My ol' hand-held mixer is 30 years old and going strong! (Still don't have enough counter space for the "big 'un" yet... maybe never.) I also appreciate your Vegan take on cooking and consuming food. I learn so much from IMK posts. Thank you for sharing yours!

    1. Wow I'm so pleased to hear that your hand-held mixer has lasted so long - that is great news (and brings me hope). Yep we'll prob never have room for a big one either hahaha! :-)

  9. You have so many things in your kitchen that I desperately need! I cannot tell you how many times I've been caught out by my temperamental oven timer deciding not to 'ding' after I've set it, and the things I would do for a cookbook stand - I place whatever is to hand to weigh the pages down, usually to the detriment of the book. I have graduated from my Woolies special el-cheapo electric beaters to a fancy stand mixer though - I'll never look back ;)

    1. eeekkkkkkk don't tell me that about your beaters - I have nearly convinced myself that hand-held ones are adequate ;-)
      yes I can relate re timers and the stand - the reasons you mentioned are exactly why I have the ones I do hahahaha!!!!!!!!!

  10. your litchen looks so organised!!! i have to organise my pantry as well :)

    1. Yes I do like my kitchen to be well organised! Glad to hear of a fellow pantry-fan too!!!!!
