
Thursday, December 20, 2012

WIAW - Collection

Over at the Peas and crayons blog Jenn is celebrating 100 editions of What-i-ate-wednesday! Awesome job Jenn & congratulations on getting so many people involved!

I forgot to take pictures of both lunch & dinner! eekkkkk I'm getting worse each week - I guess it just comes with this time of year!
So, instead, I decided I would do a collection of some of the WIAW's that I've posted about! At this time of year I think its common for us to look back over the past year & think about it!!!!

The first week I did a post was September 12th and I was in the middle of participating in the PCRM 21 day kickstart. I really enjoy joining in the kickstart each time it comes around.
Here's the dinner that I enjoyed of Israeli Couscous with Carrots, Peas, and Red Wine Vinegar.

I enjoyed posted my WIAW's during my unprocessed challenge. Here's what I ate for Week 2. This post makes me chuckle thinking about how 'easy' it seemed to make tortillas but in reality it was quite messy!

One of my favourite post's would have to be our anniversary of course!
I had such an awesome day celebrating with my husband.

Sometimes I write post's that have more details than just What-I-Ate!
Here's a week when I shared a lot of my feelings that were going on behind the food that I consumed!!!

The last WIAW post that I'm going to share with you today is just to prove that some weeks I can be organised & have things planned out quite well! Definitely not feeling like that lately!

With Christmas just a few days away now - are you feeling organised?
Do you have much left to do?


  1. I've really enjoyed reading this post and catching up with some of your WIAW highlights :) Your Israeli couscous looks absolutely delicious! And thanks for reminding me about your walnut stuffed dates. They would be a perfect snack to serve over Christmas. Yummy & healthy!
    Happy 100th WIAW Sandy! xx

    1. I'm glad it was enjoyable for you! I enjoyed putting it together myself and having a chuckle about the last few months!
      Yes the dates will make a great Chrissy treat! Have a great relaxing Christmas hey xxx

  2. Those dates are really gorgeous :) As is everything actually!

  3. Love this post. Great idea to look back. I just got out one of our crockpots last night and I'm hoping to be a little more organized with my food this week too :) As far as Christmas though... ya. I have tons left to do!

    1. LOVE using the crockpot! :-) Good luck organising the rest of your Christmas xxx
