
Friday, December 14, 2012

Christmas Drink #5 - Christmas Spiced Mocha

 Drink #5 - Christmas Spiced Mocha

You didn't think I was going to leave coffee off the drinks list did you??
Coffee is very close to my heart!

This is the perfect way to enjoy your coffee and make it feel like a real celebration!
Surprise your guests when they pop over with this wonderful spice-mix :-)

You'll need:

hazelnut flavour coffee (you can use plain but the hazelnut flavour just adds a wonderful aroma & taste to this mix)
150-200ml plant-milk
1 teaspoon cocoa powder
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
pinch ground cloves

Warm the coffee machine for about 15 minutes before using.
Place the cocoa powder in a mug & then run your coffee on top of the cocoa. Stir to combine. Add the cinnamon, ginger & cloves. Stir well.

Froth the milk & pour on top of the coffee-spice mixture. 
Sprinkle with cinnamon or cocoa.

Don't have a coffee machine? Use a plunger & a milk frother instead! :-)

Serve with treats of course ;-) 


  1. Yummmmmmmmmmmmm! What timing- I just scored a milk frother for $3 at ikea, meant to be :)

    1. Awesome - can't go wrong with a milk frother - many more uses than just coffee too ;-)

  2. Love your cup and saucer set - very usual! Looks good and sounds good, but I don't drink coffee!

    1. I love it too! It was one of our wedding gifts :D
      You could try the spice mix in hot chocolate too, with some ground hazelnuts!
