
Monday, November 5, 2012

Unprocessed - End of Week 4

Don't think that just because I haven't been posting as much that it means I've given up on my unprocessed challenge! ;-)
           ABSOLUTELY NOT!

I am loving this & really enjoying the basic meals that I'm having!
I haven't been posting as often because I am just using a lot of the same meals over and over....
And making large batches & stocking my freezer well.....
I find it really helps to have staples on hand and have an idea of what I'm going to make during the week even if I haven't done a complete meal plan!

Here's some pictures of what I've been enjoying:

Chocolate smoothie!

Blend spinach, frozen banana, frozen bluberries, a few dates, tablespoon cocoa & plant milk for a divine start to any day!

Wednesday's tranportable lunch! ie: Work-day! Leafy Cousous Salad, with snacks of chopped rockmelon & Fruity-yum Cookies.

Stir-fry. Best hint I have for making great sauces if to use soy sauce and rice wine vinegar. Gives the meal such a great taste!

Delicious lunch of cauli-corn-cannellini bites and tangy sauce.

 Dinner of red lentil dahl served over brown rice with green beans.

Yummy fruit salad with passionfruit.
Always so much fun to make with children - great for teaching them knife skills. Fruit isn't very hard to chop and it doesn't matter what size shape or pieces they end up being cut into!

Great cold day lunch! Sweet potato stew with buk choy! 
So simple - just fry a chopped onion, garlic, and sweet potato in enough stock to cook it through for approx 15 minutes, and then add buy choy - continue to cook until buk choy has wilted!

Comfort food for dinner -lentil bolognese stuffed baked potato.

And while we're on the subject of comfort food...... chocolate prune cookies.

Attempting to make wraps... again! Slightly more successful than last time, though still room for improvement!

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