
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

5 weeks til Christmas and some craft!

Can you believe that its just 5 weeks til Christmas day??? 
Where has this year gone?

Have you got any Christmas decorations up yet?
I have only put up one decoration so far. A magnet!
One of my favourites!!! ;-)
Our pile of wrapped presents is gradually growing! I am all but finished Christmas shopping! I just need to work out what to get my hubbie! Men can be really hard to buy for - would you agree???!!!

Do you have a specific day that you put your Christmas tree up on each year? We put ours up on 1st December. I'm really looking forward to it! I LOVE decorating the Christmas tree!

I know that sending Christmas cards seems to be a bit of a dying tradition. However, I still like to send them.

I rummaged through our Christmas craft box and came across these fantastic cards which I have been making with my daughter this last week. 
They are great for kids to use because there isn't anything too hard involved!
She had a wonderful time picking out which background she would put into which colour card.
These pre-cut cards easily fold into three sections that can then have a contrasting piece of paper put in. If you have some Christmas punches you can easily re-create cards like this in your own style!

Here's a collection of our finished cards:

Question of the day:
Do you still send Christmas cards?.


  1. 5 weeks? 5 weeks?!!!? Seriously!? Argh. I need to start thinking about gifts.. and food... crap. Thanks for the reminder- apparently I needed it.
    I gave up on christmas cards with the exception of my family who do not own computers. I didn't do a tree last year, I put up dad's though, that's got to count for something?...I guess I'm still not really convinced on this whole summer christmas, its just not the same.

    1. hahahaaa oh i laughed when I read your comment!
      Sorry to put you in such a shock that it's so soon - lets just call it a friendly reminder hey ;-)

  2. I absolutely LOVE Christmas! A few years ago, I took the pressure away and realized that it's SO much more than gifts and getting things perfect. I put our tree and decorations up this week, I couldn't wait!!! So many fun things planned over the next 5 weeks, I'll be so sad when it's all over :(


    1. I feel sad when Christmas is over too! I think its just such a friendly time of year! I'm glad you've been able to take away the pressure from this lovely time of year :-)

  3. I haven't been crafty in awhile, and you've inspired me. It would be fun to send cards this year!
