
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I'm becoming an organised housewife!!!

I've been really motivated to clean & tidy the last few months.
Have you read my post about how I've switched to chemical free cleaning?
It's so refreshing to have things organised, clean & tidy.
We bought our very first home 10 months ago!!!!! YAYYYYYYYYY! :D 

A life long dream of mine after renting for over 10 years. However, moving is never fun, no matter when or where you end up and I must admit that there were several places in our home that didn't quite get the unpacking attention they deserved, especially as our unpacking was somewhat crowded by the Christmas time rush. I have been very motivated to get EVERYTHING all sorted out properly & when I stumbled across this the other day I was HUGELY excited!

                      GUESS WHAT......

                                  And the best news is that you can too!
The amazing website The Organised Housewife has put together a challenge called 20-days-to-organise-and-clean-your-home.  Why not sign up to the fun & join hundreds of other ladies as we seek to clean & organise our homes!

There was a time when my home was in a complete ~SHAMOZZLE~ to say the least, with little time or energy to fix it even though I so desperately wanted to!
I must admit I am so pleased with how our home is today. Yes it takes a bit of time, but it never hurt me to turn off the TV or close down that facebook page! In fact, in made me feel SOOOO good if I did!
After all - a home is supposed to be somewhere that we can relax & feel comfortable & enjoy being. 

Here's some pictures of what I have already done prior to even knowing about the organised housewife challenge! I just wish I had of taken more "before" pictures! I just get so excited when I have achieved the "after" that I remember to take happy snaps ;-)

Every woman needs an organised dresser! Sure beats the pile of tissues and make-up and pens and pins it used to have on it!
How can it be that having an organised under-the-sink can feel so good?
I love a Tupperwared pantry ;-)
Especially when its arranged alphabetically!!!

But for now.... it's bed time!
I'm going to continue to post about my journey through the challenge with more pictures to come!
Starting with how I managed to organise my craft side-of-the-room just a few weekends ago! There's already plenty of photos on this post! ;-)


  1. Looks really great, Sandy! I hope to be able to make everything so neat and organised after we move, too. :) Looking forward to seeing how you go with the challenge!
    And I'm like you - I don't always think to take "before" photos, but after I've organised I get so excited that I have no trouble remembering to take photos!!!!!!!!!! haha :)

  2. I LOVE how organized your pantry is! Love the labels and the clean lines!

    1. Thank-you :-)
      It sure helps when it is cooking time too!
      I highly recommend a labeller - I wasn't sure at the time I purchased it, it it would be worth it, but now I can definitely say YES IT WAS!!!! :-)

  3. looking at the pantry with all the lentils and beans i would love to hear some recipes.. :) i'm not vegan but vegetarian..

    1. Feel free to check out this blog - plenty of recipes on here :-)
