
Monday, June 25, 2012

PCRM Carrot Pudding

Recipe Review: Carrot Pudding

I saw this post on pinterest the other day & since I had recently juiced a heap of carrot, I thought this would be good to try using the leftover pulp.
I'm a big fan of the PCRM and have tried many of their recipes previously.
The recipe can be found here.

I must admit that I had high hopes for this recipe! I was dreaming of writing how delicious it would be....
Sadly, I didn't enjoy it as much as I had hoped! Perhaps I put too much expectation on this dish!
It was tasty, but perhaps not as a whole bowl for breakfast! lol....
My daughter who had a little dish of it for morning tea thought it was delicious & came home asking for more!
I wasn't a fan of the fresh ginger with the mix. I prefer fresh ginger in stir-frys and savoury dishes. This dish has a touch of sweetness which I loved. If I was to try this again I would definitely use ground ginger instead.
Perhaps the carrot flavour in my dish wasn't as strong as it should of been since I used pulp.
I did find this dish quite easy to make & it was a nice change from a regular breakfasts that I would of had otherwise!!!!

Overall rating: 3/5

Follow me on pinterest if you would like to!


  1. Hi Sandy, I'm Clara's cousin and she mentioned that you are having a problem that I might be able to help you with. Can you tell me what it is?

    I will have to show your website to my son as he has a friend who is vegetarian and he is learning to cooking vegetarian meals, something very new to him. The cake recipe below might be one he would like to try.

  2. Hi Jo,
    Thanks for writing!
    I am having troubles with my pictures - I can't seem to get them to line up side by side - for an example see this post:
    They come up mis-aligned with each other & I don't know how to fix it :-(
    Would love it if you could forward my blog on, thanks :-)
